3 Exciting things to do with your friends without spending a lot!

Spending time with friends is a great way to relax, refresh, and create great memories! But if you and your friends are used to going out to restaurants, gaming, and other fun adventures together as your way of hanging out, then you can change it up a bit and save some money too.

Now isn’t that exciting? Here’s a list of exciting you can do with your friends spending minimum money and enjoying maximum!

1. Desert Safari & Desert Fun Adventures

The biggest attraction of Dubai is the proximity to the Arabian Desert. With the Discounter app, you and your friends can indulge in the rich culture, amazing food, overnight stays, and some other exciting desert activities like desert safaris, Arabian buffet dinners, camel rides, sheesha, and an array of adventure activities. You can explore the deserts of DUBAI through thrilling and adventurous activities like Dune Bashing, Dune Buggy Riding, Quad Biking, and Sand Boarding.

It becomes even more exciting and enjoyable when you can do it all but with a great discount and that’s what the Discounter App offers.

2. Restaurants & Gaming

A heavy gaming session with friends along with mouthwatering food is the definition of a perfect day for many out there. If you and your friends love gaming then here’s some good news for you!

Get your hands on our amazing offers and enjoy a great game with great food from the best gaming cafés in Dubai. This will help you not just to chill and relax, but also to cut down on your expenses.

3. Yacht Party

Partying with friends always creates great and crazy memories but partying with friends on a yacht is even more fun.

Yachting can be a fun activity for many reasons. There is a lot you can do while yachting. Almost all of the yacht parties are even more fun-filled when you have perfect music that will make you whirl and twirl. Moreover cruising with your loved ones while enjoying delicious food and taking in stunning views of Dubai’s exceptional sights like Burj Al Arab, The Atlantis, Blue Waters, etc, will surely make up a lifetime experience. This lifetime experience can be even more enjoyable with great discounts. The Discounter App is your perfect mate to get the best deals and enjoy the best moments with your mates!

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How to plan your week right on a budget

How to plan your week right on a budget

Keep it real 

Have you ever made a goal that was set up for failure? Like saying you will read 10 books a month when you barely have any free time or promising to run ten miles all year when you can barely run a meter.

The same is true with your budget. Push yourself to spend smartly and save more – but be realistic when you set up your budget. Saying you won’t buy new clothes all year round might not be realistic but you can shop for clothes online via the Discounter app by taking advantage of the amazing deals and offers on the app.

When you keep it real, you can really win.

Plan your meals

Get your hands on the amazing BOGO deals that the Discounter app has to offer or get 20-50% off on other offers on food and beverage. You can also consider taking a friend along and splitting the bill in half.

This will help you to not over-spend all week on food. Reward yourself at least once a week. Be it shopping or pampering yourself to a spa session. The discounter offers it all so you don’t have to break your bank account and feel guilty of overspending. Rewarding yourself once in a while will help you to stay motivated to your goals.

Make smart choices 

Life is all about making choices. When we make the right choices, we end up happier and more content. Instead of going on an expensive holiday abroad, you could go on weekly adventures or plan staycations with your family or friends. The Discounter app has a variety of options for your weekend entertainment, all on discounts. Like desert safari, Jetski, Hydro water sports, and many more.

Listen. You’ve got big hopes and dreams- places to go and goals to reach. And you can do it all but it all starts with good financial planning. Always remember if you make a financial plan and stick to it. Your goals aren’t a slow cooker, and your budget isn’t either. You don’t dump in numbers, click a button, and walk away. You’ve got to keep at it and keep with it. Budgeting is telling your money you’re in charge, and sticking to the budget is showing your money you’re in charge.

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4 simple ways to save money in 2020!

4 simple ways to save money in 2020!

Let’s be honest how many times have you searched on Google “how to save money?”. How many times did you promise yourself to follow those steps that will help you save money? When did you last water the garden in the morning and not in the evening? Or When did you keep the Air conditioning at 24 degrees?. We would all love to save money and have them few extra dirhams every month to send home or just spend it on papering our self’s. Well, we don’t have all the answers to saving money but we do have The Discounter App.

1. Finding ways to help you cut back on your spending!

First priority should be downloading The Discounter and making the most of our amazing free offers and discounts! Discount apps aside, you should also think about cutting back on memberships and subscriptions you don’t need. A monthly rolling subscription at a gym that you’ve never actually been to? Stop being lazy and CANCEL IT! Put those hard-earned dirhams into something you’ll actually use.

2. Don’t Go It Alone

Saving money is never easy – if it were, then there would not be may blog like this to help you. But if you know a friend or a family member also looking to save then pairing up can help. This is where the discounter comes into its own with our are amazing BOGO deals you can half the cost of your evening out, lunch or dinner. This way you can save money and your friends and family too.

3. Budget for savings!

When you start to create your budget for the month or the quarter, make sure you include ‘savings’ as a category. Holding yourself accountable for putting aside 10-15% of your salary each month is something all fully functional adult should be doing. Whether it’s saving for a rainy day, saving for a big holiday or even saving for a deposit for a new home, automatically saving every month will make it easier for you to assess how long it will take you to reach your goals. What’s even better you can use The Discounter App to plan your savings for the month may it be a trip to the salon, hairdresser or home cleaning. You can utilize our offers to help you plan how much you can save by using our offers.

4. Sleep on it! Yes or No?

Yes, think before spending that hard-earned cash on an impulse buy you should always sleep on it and think hard if you REALLY need them shoes, dress or suit.
No, Commit to an impulse buy. But, you have your money-saving partner with you The Discounter. Simply open the App and check which one of our vendors can off you the best deal on that impulse buy. The discounter has over 100 vendors which can help you find that offer whether it be in-store or online.

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